Editorial Team

Ex Fonte consists of an Editorial Advisory Board and an Editorial Executive Board. The two boards coordinate the direction and development of the Journal.

The Editorial Advisory Board forms the basis of Ex Fonte, consisting of renowned international and cross-denominational scholars who share the journal's vision. The internationality of the Board ranges from Yale University to the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and the Australian Catholic University.

The Editorial Executive Board is responsible for the editorial work of the journal. The Board consists of theologians from around the Vienna Chair of Liturgical Studies and is the primary contact for questions about the Journal.

E-mail: office@exfonte.org

Editorial Executive Board:

Amrehn Timo, University of Vienna
Bürscher Markus, KU Linz
Dietl Christina, University of Vienna
Feulner Hans-Jürgen, University of Vienna
Haslwanter Elias, University of Vienna
Seper Daniel, KPH Vienna/Krems
Wegscheider Florian, Private University of Education Linz

Editorial Advisory Board:
Deeg Alexander, University of Leipzig
Feulner Hans-Jürgen, University of Vienna
Geldhof Joris, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Jeggle-Merz Birgit, University of Lucerne & Theological University of Chur
Johnson, Clare, Australian Catholic University & Centre for Liturgy/Melbourne
Morozowich Mark, Catholic University of America/Washington
Muroni Pietro Angelo, Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo & Pontificia Università Urbaniana/Rome
Prétot Patrick, Institut Catholique de Paris
Spinks Bryan D., Yale University
Velkovska Elena, Università di Siena