Edition und Übersetzung der Euchologie der Eucharistiefeier der Redaktion „M“ des arabischen Testamentum Domini (I.23–I.28)

Eine späte Antwort auf Anton Baumstark und Gérard Troupeau




Parole chiave:

Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Eucharistic Prayers, Church Orders, Ancient, Communio, Mystagogy


The Testamentum Domini is considered to be one of the youngest Church Orders. Since its discovery in the early 20th century questions concerning its origin and historical value have persisted while its original text and structure remain undetermined. This article considers a newly edited translation of several chapters of an Arabic recension which appear to be much closer to the Testamentum Domini’s original Greek text than Rahmani’s well-known edition of a Syriac manuscript. It argues that many apparent peculiarities of the Testamentum Domini are particular only to the manuscript Rahmani edited.

Biografia autore

Martin Lüstraeten, University of Mainz

Martin Lüstraeten, born 1985 in Kempen/Germany, Dr. theol., M.A. in Ancient Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean, lecturer at the University of Mainz, Department for Liturgical Studies and Homiletics, Mainz, Germany.




Come citare

Lüstraeten, M. (2023). Edition und Übersetzung der Euchologie der Eucharistiefeier der Redaktion „M“ des arabischen Testamentum Domini (I.23–I.28): Eine späte Antwort auf Anton Baumstark und Gérard Troupeau. Ex Fonte - Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy, 2, 65–179. https://doi.org/10.25365/exf-2023-2-3


