Seigneur, qui séjournera sous ta tente ? (Ps. 14, 1)

Une question d’hospitalité réciproque pour penser l’avenir des églises




Reciprocal Hospitality , Sacred Space, Liturgical Theology, Christianity, Secularization, Future


Based on the words of Psalm 14:1, “Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle?” and the notion of “reciprocal hospitality”, this study proposes a fresh look at the future of the churches. In a context marked by strong secularization, with the corollary of weakening Christian communities and declining economic resources, the future of a number of places of worship seems threatened. Before giving in to the binary logic of “keep” or “get rid of”, this study aims to return to the tension inherent in Christianity as regards the place itself. If the place of worship is a strong marker of identity and presence, if it has a manifest symbolic force, God does not allow himself to be enclosed within it. Based on Sacrosanctum Concilium 7, a middle way is envisaged in order to identify a triple function of the church: epicletic, anamnetic, kerygmatic, as a discernment of the genius proper to each place, rethinking its concrete use to this end.

Author Biography

Michel Steinmetz, University of Fribourg

Michel Steinmetz is professor of Sciences liturgiques at the faculty for theology of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and director of the institute of the same name.

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How to Cite

Steinmetz, M. (2025). Seigneur, qui séjournera sous ta tente ? (Ps. 14, 1): Une question d’hospitalité réciproque pour penser l’avenir des églises. Ex Fonte - Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy, 4, 153–178.




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